1. Describe in one sentence, what each of the tables are. a. ipstat2010 - This table describes discharges from Texas hospitals in the year of 2010. b. ipstat2011 - This table describes discharges from Texas hospitals in the year of 2011. c. ipstat2012 - This table describes discharges from Texas hospitals in the year of 2012. d. phy2010 - This table describes Texas physician supply in the year of 2010. e. phy2011 - This table describes Texas physician supply in the year of 2011. f. phy2012 - This table describes Texas physician supply in the year of 2012. g. txdeaths - This table describes Texas death data over multiple years 2006-2010. h. txhealthregions - This table describes information and statistics for Counties. 2. What is the unit (row) of each table? a. ipstat2010 - Hospital b. ipstat2011 - Hospital c. ipstat2012 - Hospital d. phy2010 - County e. phy2011 - County f. phy2012 - County g. txdeaths - County h. txhealthregions - County 3. For each table that does not have the required unit of analysis as "county year", explain how you would convert the given table into the requred "county year" table. If not applicable write NA. a. ipstat2010, b. ipstat2011, c. ipstat2012 - Append (Set/stack) with other years: unit becomes hosp year - then use the proc summary statement: unit becomes county year d. phy2010, e. phy2011, f. phy2012 - Append (Set/stack) with other years only: unit becomes county year g. txdeaths - proc transpose by county: unit becomes county year h. txhealthregions - N/A since variables do not change annually. 4. When linking up the tables to have all the variables in one table. a. Which tables link up as 1-to-1 matching? combined & summerized "ipstat" tables, combined "phy" tables, and death data link up as 1-to-1 matching. What are the matching variables? county year b. Which tables link up as 1-to-N matching? The txhealthregions table link up 1-to-N with the table of all other data (output from step 4.a above). What are the matching variables? county